
از wikirose
نسخهٔ تاریخ ‏۲۸ ژوئیهٔ ۲۰۲۲، ساعت ۱۶:۲۸ توسط Rayatpor (بحث | مشارکت‌ها) (۱ نسخه واردشده)
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Version at a glance for M:TSP [ Template:Ltsmta ]
Version Origin Change Description datestamp and programmer
Ver: 3a3 Meta ~~~~
Ver: 3a2 Meta (m) Trim out old inline commented history, and remove many unneeded editing/maintenance links [[User:Fabartus|FrankB]] 08:05, 19 April 2007 (UTC)
Ver: 3a1 Meta Iterim: Install revised auto-categorization logic, and do some clarification and rework of self documentation. [[User:Fabartus|FrankB]] 06:54, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
Ver: 3a Meta Edits to limit bad text nesting, moved and expanded inhib parameter processing. This is Iterim still. [[User:Fabartus|FrankB]] 00:42, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
Ver: 3r1 Meta Section edits to tidy up various things.
(b) Iterim save, even added the two letter and user unfriendly names the anom wanted. Cleaned up and formatted. Next: Refactor and cut in template:IWG_links
(a) Top=This table
3r1b: [[User:Fabartus|FrankB]] 12:22, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
3r1a: from: 10:30, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
Ver: 3__ Meta Wikipedia version, with belated auto-categorization added, new table, but saved and Finished on Meta through several iterations... Adding (subst'd WPTSP version table) with this save. [[User:Fabartus|FrankB]] 08:35, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
from: two hours b4 above.
Ver:2F-k Wikipedia Adds Edit link to array box, Fixed logic sense of ALL param., added Inhib/Override params (All UCASE mnemonic) to bypass a sister if they don't or do want a template... whichever is opposite case from normal participation in the project. [[User:Fabartus|FrankB]] ww:zz, xx March 2007 (UTC)

Table 2

IWG_links quick usage
توضیحات الگو[ایجاد] [پاکسازی]
الگوهای مشابه در پروژه‌های خواهر، به زبان انگلیسی [edit]
پرونده:Wikimedia-logo.svg mta Meta-wiki Interwikitmp-grp
پرونده:Wikipedia-logo.png wpd Wikipedia Interwikitmp-grp
پرونده:Commons-logo.svg cms Commons Interwikitmp-grp
پرونده:Wikibooks-logo.svg wbk Wikibooks Interwikitmp-grp
پرونده:Wikispecies-logo.svg wsp Wikispecies Interwikitmp-grp
پرونده:Wikiversity-logo.svg wvy Wikiversity Interwikitmp-grp

==Table 3==


This template can be used when more than one English language sister projects has a similar template. If the templates have different names on different projects you can use parameters to specify those names:

Switch and override pagename parameters

  • mta=template name at Meta-wiki
  • wpd=template name at English Wikipedia
  • cms=template name at Commons
  • wbk=template name at English Wikibooks
  • wqt=template name at English Wikiquote
  • wsr=template name at English Wikisource
  • wdy=template name at English Wikitionary
  • wnw=template name at English Wikinews
  • wsp=template name at English Wikispecies
  • wvr=template name at English Wikiversity
  • mdw=template name at Media-wiki
(In some of the discussion below, any one of the above is represented by 'xxx'.)

Passing an empty parameter will cause the item to be omitted from the list. Some sister-projects only have marginal inclusion in, or need for this template sharing. These default to 'off' in the normal display (Wiktionary, Media-wiki, Wikinews currently).

Flip parameters

Those which are off, but do use the template being tagged, may be included in the list by defining an all capital letters version of the above all lower case parameters. (Example: '|WDY=y' will include Wiktionary under the same default template name by the template code: '{{{wdy|{{{2|{{PAGENAME}} }}} }}} }}} , thus typing in a long name when a normally suppressed template auto-link IS desired, is not necessary. Using XXX=1 to turn off a link, such as when a Sister project TfD decides to not allow the template locally, would be redundant with 'xxx=', add complexity, and is subject to confusion. So the Capital letter flip parameters are available only those sister projects which normally suppress a template.



This produces a box with the Meta and Wikiquote rows ommitted, and the "Template:foo" linked to in the Wikinews row (alternate name of same template), and link to the normal name on Wiktionary and Media-wiki. '!Goo' is the category pipe-trick, {{PAGENAME}} is redundant </nowiki>{{{2}}}</nowiki> argument.

An interesting experiment: See the different uses the templates {{w}}, {{c}}, {{cat}} and {{tl}} are put to on each English sister project. The shorter the name, the more likely a naming collision will occur with a different use of the tool template!

Other parameters

  1. inhib=anything — Inhib suppresses auto-categorization to Category:Interwiki utility templates (Normally lists tools or other Utility templates).

    الگو:I2In use, inhib is for templates that are part of one interwiki linking system, or the other (two other tagging systems that tie categories together which came first, albeit unofficially as experimental implementations began in the summer of 2006), and lastly, for the site independent templates which are used to generate uniform messages and documentation for such templates, many of these being formating typing aids (i, i0, i2, i5, and indent) powerful category or template links generating tools (lc, lts), or site independent link templates (w2, w2c, Mw, wd). الگو:I2
  2. General Auto-categorization applies pipe-tricked category sorting using '{{{xxx|{{{1|{{PAGENAME}} }}} }}} }}} , which allows the lowercase override name 'xxx', the general sorting name {{{1}}}, or the overall default, the Magic word '{{PAGENAME}} .الگو:I2
  3. General parameter {{{2}}}is coded to be a generic override for a locally differently named template using '{{{xxx|{{{2|{{PAGENAME}} }}} }}} }}} . الگو:I5Example: Assume Wikitionary uses {{tl}} for something involving lexicographical meaning (as it does), so assuming the local template name used instead is 'TL' (all uppercase). A proper back link would then be given as {{interwikitmp-grp|wdy=TL|{{PAGENAME}}|tl}} where {{{1}}}=={{PAGENAME}} (''the category pipetrick''), {{{2}}}=='tl'.

  4. V=letter 'D' or numbers: {0, 1, 2,..., 6}} — from Version P3 will provide auto-categorization same as the suffixed versions of 'interwikitmp-grp##' listed in template:interwikitmp-grp/doc. (Not currently in place!) // FrankB 07:19, 8 February 2007 (UTC)الگو:I2
  5. ALL=anything — turns on all links forming elements including those normally shut down. This can use to poll sister projects for template presence, or to distribute the template, despite normal non-participation by that sister in the template sharing project.الگو:I2
  6. cat=bare name... value supplants for V=3, 4, 5, and V=6 auto-categorization modes. The replacement category is generally a sub-category of Miscellaneous, such as typing-aid templates or uncategorized templates. 'cat=' may be defined false (not uncommon in V=6 calls where template is a category tagging template linking both internally and externally but used on category pages. Example: W:Template:Commonscat1A, الگو:W2c, Template:WikiPtmp (or any 'XXXXtmp' templates listed below) and etcetera.)الگو:I2
  7. ALL2= or ALLCATS= anything — is an edit-check mode parameter. It is the same as specifying all variations of 'V=' parameter, and turns on ALL autocategorization. (It should not be used on any page in a permanent save, but is for preview mode testing.)الگو:I2
  8. CATS=[[Category:non-standard category1|pipetrick1]][[[[Category:non-standard category2|pipetrick2]]...[[Category:non-standard categoryNN|pipetrickNN]]الگو:I5Used primarily in administrative templates where the category structure has been duplicated locally for compatibility.الگو:I0
    1. Cat1=, Cat2=, Cat3=, ..., Cat5=[[Category:catname|pipe-trick]], for keeping things neat on separate lines... especially useful when using different pipe-tricked forms.الگو:I2
  9. SYS=defined, or V=0, it asserts Category:Interwiki template-links-tagging templates regardless of the 'V=#' parameter's other affects on auto-categorization.
  10. ??? - Stay tuned.

Individual tags

Templates to use when only some small number of sister projects has a similar template
  1. template:Metatmp
  2. template:commonstmp
  3. template:WikiBookstmp
  4. template:Wiktionarytmp
  5. template:Wikiquote
  6. template:WikiNewstmp
  7. template:Wikisourcetmp
  8. template:WikiSpeciestmp
  9. template:WikiVersitytmp

Key categories versus parameters
'Sister parameters' are those semi-mnemonic three letter codes noted on the template. Several depreciated equivalents are also legal substitutes: meta wikt

Toggle Parameters:
Defining one of the three letter mnemonic's expressed as all uppercase toggles the logic for the cell displaying that sister project from 'on to off' (This template is not used on that sister, the most common need), or from 'off to on' (A sister which has little need for templates has this particular one).
This example would express a template shared in common from the two sites Wiktionary and whereever, but for which Wikipedia (which normally has most everything) does NOT have said template. Wikitionary is toggled from normally off to on, Wikipedia from normally on to Off.
Lower case Mnemonic codes work dissimilarly in that defining such an parameter triggers difference tracking auto-categorization, but is indeed the same in effect for non-participating sister projects, for whom it is uncommon to share a template.

Categories by parameter affecting (table)

Categories in the system Params in play

Templates that are needed by tagging system.
Cat includes XXXXtmp individual tagging templates.
SYS (asserts)
and V=0

Principal tagging and 'Tracking category' where this tagging utility auto-categorizes (lists) tagged templates.
Can only turn off by inhibiting it's expression setting "|inhib='something'.
inhib (suppresses)

Rare occurence. Scope refers to paricipating Sister Projects, not literally all.
ALL2 (asserts)

الگو:Lcs cases: V=1, V=4, V=6

cases: V=3, V=4, V=5, and V=6 (If V=6, then iff manually defined using 'cat=|' or MISC=defined.)

Assumed as a sub-category of Miscellaneous, uses same V=x logic.
Use param cat=(bare) category name to supplant Miscellaneous for all { V: 3,4,5,6 } modes.
sub-cat of same V=# distribution as Miscellaneous... define using cat= to supplant (replace) Miscellaneous templates.

CAT=any value

tracking category for anomalous templates where
the template exists, but has an
D or diff set

Interwiki name difference other sister project
tracking category
any mnemonic name parameter
being set to an

الگو:Lcs UNCAT

الگو:Lcs or
الگو:Lcs or
NAV evinces if and only if there exists a defined category of one of these names

الگو:Lcs R

a1 a2

c1 c2

e1 e2

1 Category:Interwiki link templates and Category:Interwiki utility templates -- bridge a gulf

2 Category: Internal link templates and Category:Interwiki utility templates.-- Link/Edit another page internally

3 Category:[ Miscellaneous || Typing-aid || Uncategorized ] templates and Category:Interwiki utility templates

4 Category:Interwiki link templates and Category:Miscellaneous templates -- Combo's of 1 + 3

5 Category: Internal link templates and Category:Miscellaneous templates -- Combo's of 2 + 3

6 Interwiki link templates, Internal link templates and Category:Miscellaneous templates -- Combo's of 1 + 2 + 3

الگو:TL==الگو:IWTG size الگو:TL==الگو:IWTG width الگو:Interwiki class-sisterproject(ویرایش بحث پیوندها تاریخچه)


توضیحات الگو[ایجاد] [پاکسازی]